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Baldwin S, Rogers P. Controlled smoking (part I): a last resort? Journal of Substance Misuse 1996; 1: 67 - 73
Baldwin S, Rogers P. Controlled smoking (part II): a last resort. Journal of Substance Misuse 1996; 1: 142 - 148
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Hughes JR. Reduced smoking: an introduction and review of the evidence. Addiction 2000; 4 (Suppl 1): S3-7
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Godtfredsen NS, Prescott E, Osler M, Vestbo J. Predictors of smoking reduction and cessation in a cohort of danish moderate and heavy smokers. Prev Med 2001; 33: 46 - 52
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Kolte B, Schmidt-Semisch H. Controlled smoking: Implications for research on tobacco use. Journal of Drug Issues 2002; 32: 647 - 665
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Riggs RL, Hughes JR, Pillitteri JL. Two behavioral treatment for smoking reduction: A pilot study. Nicotine & Tobacco Research 2001; 3: 71 - 76
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Shapiro D, Tursky B, Schwartz GE, et al. Smoking on cue: a behavioral approach to smoking reduction. J Health Soc Behav 1971; 12: 108 - 113
Stratton K, Shetty P, Wallace R, et al. Clearing the smoke: the science base for tobacco harm reduction - executive summary. Tobacco Control 2001; 10: 189 - 195
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